Since the concept of ‘faculty’ (quwwah) refers to a living being in whom the attribute of ‘knowledge’ subsists, and this knowledge is the governing principle of his thought and action, the university must have been conceived in emulation of the general structure, in form, function and purpose of man. It was meant to be a microcosmic representation of man –indeed, of the Universal Man (al-Insān al-Kullī).
Nilai mementingkan ilmu sebagai kebaikan utama, sumber segala kebaikan (yakni jika disertakan dengan kehendak gigih dan niat ikhlas) telah melahirkan sikap memberatkan pendidikan sebagai kaedah utama. Bagi diri dan masyarakat berbudaya ilmu, tujuan utama pendidikan bukanlah untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan bergaji lumayan atau melahirkan tenaga kerja cekap tetapi untuk menanam sikap memuliakan ilmu, menuntutnya dan terus menghayatinya seumur hidup.
Postgraduate Programs
CASIS offers two research programmes: Master of Philosophy in Islamic Civilisation, and Doctor of Philosophy in Islamic Civilisation. Both programmes are research-based, which means students are required to produce a thesis reflecting an academic work worthy of such degrees.
Program Structure
The Master and Doctoral Program offered by CASIS are a Research only by definition. But to ensure our students to follow and understand the philosophy of education promoted by CASIS, we provide pre-requisite coursework throughout the study. Students are required to take some courses with the HW (check the list of courses) status with the intention to complete and strengthen some fundamental understandings in order to ensure success in their research.
To find out more about our centre, please download our new brochure here.
Current Activities
Membina Kerjaya Persuratan: Menterjemah Kembara ‘Ilmu di CASIS
“Jika sebelum ini saya hanya pencari yang tanpa apa-apa kelulusan berkaitan, kini pengembaraan saya dalam dunia ke‘ilmuan dan keusahawanan ialah sebagai seorang graduan CASIS – yang perlu menjaga nama baik guru-guru saya dan juga madrasah yang saya mendapat manfa‘at besar daripadanya. Atas limpah ni‘mat daripada Allah, kesan pengajian saya di CASIS terzahir dalam ikhtiyar usaha kami membangunkan Akademi Jawi Malaysia yang berteraskan pandangan ‘alam Islam dan diusahakan sebagai usahaniaga yang berdiri atas kaki sendiri.”
Serendipitous Travels for Knowledge and Place of Meaning: A Journey at RZS-CASIS
“If I can describe my journey learning the thoughts of Tan Sri Prof. Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas in one word, it would be “serendipitous”. Of course in the understanding of qada’ and qadar in Islam, nothing “just happens” because it just happens, but things happen with reason. Some of those reasons can be known to us in through the various forms of knowledge and sciences that we have, while some of it would remain unknown and hidden from us, secrets that might never be revealed.”
CASIS-HAK Seminar on Imam Abdullah al-Haddad
A Welcoming Address by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khalif Muammar (Director of CASIS UTM) Distinguished guests, brothers and sisters. We live in an age where true scholars are accused of heresy. False scholars, in contrast, are revered and extolled as if there were no...