RZS-CASIS’ 10th Anniversary: Some Reflections on the Collaboration with Al-Zuhri Institute (Singapore)
By: Dr. Abdullah Othman
(Director of Institut Perguruan Tinggi Al-Zuhri)
CASIS-ZUHRI Postgraduate Seminar on 15th February 2017
RZS-CASIS and al-Zuhri may be likened to a father and son relationship. Rightfully the foundation of this symbiotic relationship goes back to the days of ISTAC, an institute founded by Tan Sri Prof. Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas.
The spirit of ISTAC and thereafter RZS-CASIS has disseminated and permeated the senior and younger scholars of this region and to some extent, at the international level over the years. The joint postgraduate program (MA and PhD) by RZS-CASIS and Al-Zuhri is a testimony to such permeation. At the moment, a good number of students from Singapore have successfully completed their postgraduate studies in RZS-CASIS via Al-Zuhri and several others are still actively pursuing their studies. The graduates from this program would be the prospective lecturers for the tertiary level education programs in Singapore. This is a landmark achievement of historical significance since Islamic learning at higher levels conducted locally is a relatively recent phenomenon in Singapore and would undoubtedly influence the Islamic educational landscape here.

(International Conference on Worldview and Civilisation), 8 – 10 Nov 2019, Bandung

International Conference on Worldview and Civilisation), 8 – 10 Nov 2019, Bandung
It is indeed a great privilege and honour to be associated with Prof. Wan Mohd Nor Wan Daud or Prof. Wan as he is fondly called, since my postgraduate years circa 1997 in ISTAC until now. He was then the Deputy Director of ISTAC and thereafter the Founder-Director of RZS-CASIS. He is not just a scholar, but a reformer, mobiliser, mentor, advisor and a confidante as well. Setting a high moral and intellectual standards, Prof. Wan always showed humility, concern, and care to students and staff at the same time demonstrated intellectual profundity and courage in setting clear directions, effect changes and garner support from strategic strata of the community. His sense of commitment to this cause is clear, particularly in ISTAC and RZS-CASIS. In acknowledgement towards his tireless efforts and persistence, he was conferred the Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas Chair of Islamic Thought.
His concern and untiring efforts spanning over several decades, have resulted in several highly credible initiatives especially amongst the intellectual fraternities at personal and institutional levels in Malaysia, Indonesia, as well as several other countries. Al-Zuhri in Singapore is one of them. Prof. Wan was kind enough to dedicate his personal time consistently since early 2000 until now to structurally and systematically mentor and guide the leadership, lecturers and teachers in Al-Zuhri and its affiliate institutions. The focus is on formulating the concepts and practice of Islamic education at a higher level that could be implemented in this cosmopolitan global city-state of a small island. With God’s grace, Al-Zuhri and her affiliate institutions (i.e. Andalus, Cordova) now function as privately run institutions catering for 17,000 students from pre-school to post-graduate levels operating at about 25 locations. In addition to that, the ecosystem educational institutions are supported by a publishing house, Darul Andalus in the publication of books from pre-school to tertiary levels. This is quite an accomplishment in this tiny secular state where Islamic education is operated and funded almost entirely by the community for the community.
Weekly Intensive Classes at Zuhri Institute with Prof. Dr. Wan Mohd Nor, 2016
Above all that has been mentioned, Prof. Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas himself the Founder-Director of ISTAC gave several lectures at Al-Zuhri as well at several other locations in Singapore organised by Al-Zuhri over several years. He expressed his support and approval the initiatives to establish Islamic studies at university level by al-Zuhri. Once, I asked him about the need to have an Islamic university in Singapore; to which he responded with a resounding yes and thereafter offered his doa. In fact, a few years later, he asked for updates and I informed him that Al-Zuhri would be starting the degree program. Another instance, in a room at the Baalwi mosque (Singapore), while waiting for dinner, I asked him about learning Islam in Western universities (indirectly implying learning Islam in Muslim minority and secular state like Singapore); to which he said, the importance and challenge lies with the sincerity and integrity of the student; to be steadfast to the religion and by God’s grace, the student will remain guided and faithful.
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Zuhri Institute and RZS-CASIS, November 2015
As a proof of the seriousness and commitment between RZS-CASIS dan Al-Zuhri, there was a formal MoU ceremony at UTM-KL in November 2015 involving a senior representative from the University Senate and key officials from RZS-CASIS and Al-Zuhri. Following up the MoU and a few weeks later, a long and rigorous selection session at Al-Zuhri was conducted by Prof. Wan, Prof. Zainiy Uthman and Assoc. Prof. Khalif Muammar who interviewed and thus shortlisted suitable candidates for postgraduate study. From February 2016 onwards, there was the year-long weekly lectures (9 hours per week) at Al-Zuhri by visiting lecturers from RZS-CASIS involving Prof. Wan, Prof. Zainiy Uthman, Prof. Tatiana Denisova, Assoc. Prof. Wan Suhaimi Wan Abdullah and Assoc. Prof. Khalif Muammar. Also, the personal consultations by the thesis supervisors with the candidates throughout their candidature period. Prof. Wan himself, committed to two full-day sessions over many hours, with all the candidates while in Singapore. I also remember rather vividly and fondly the series of breakfast conversations with Prof. Wan at Hajjah Maimunah restaurant or the food courts at Geylang; followed by the interesting conversations on wide ranging issues as well as his personal insights on some matters, during the rather long walks along Changi and East Coast beaches. Also, the fascinating informal and impromptu conversations with the scholars from RZS-CASIS both at Kuala Lumpur and Singapore.
The relationship between RZS-CASIS and Al-Zuhri is established with the firm and common belief to improve significantly Islamic education at higher levels. Both institutions and the key individuals share by and large the worldview and civilizational prerogatives and perspectives. The father and son relationship permeates through time and space. More profoundly, the allegiance and subservience to God transcends to eternity.
With the 10th anniversary of RZS-CASIS and on behalf of Al-Zuhri, I would like to humbly wish many continuing years of warm relationship as well as service to Islam and Muslim community.
Dr Abdullah Othman
Graduated from NUS (Biological Science), pursued his MA in ISTAC (Islamic Science) and PhD in UM (Islamic Education). One of the founding members and a Board Member of Al-Zuhri Institute. Also, a Board Member in affiliate educational institutions Andalus, Cordova and publisher Darul Andalus for the last 20 years. Married with 7 children.