+6 07-553 3333 strategymanagement@utm.my
📅 30 October 2023

🏠 UTM Johor Bahru

The Strategic Plan Town Hall 2023 for the enVision UTM 2025 Action Plan 2024 (Moonshot 2.0) was successfully conducted online on October 30, 2023 and was attended by 559 (recorded) UTM staff and students. There were constructive discussions during the nine (9) presentation sessions in the Town Hall that contributed to the refinement of the enVision UTM 2025 Action Plan 2024.

The enVision UTM 2025 Action Plan for 2024 outlines five (5) primary Moonshot 2.0 themes, strategically tailored for implementation by nine (9) of the university’s key departments. This strategic approach ensures that both the Departmental Strategy (Standard Relative) and Corporate Strategy (Standard Absolute) continue to have a substantial impact on the university as a whole. These efforts align with the university’s five (5) Strategic Thrusts and eight (8) Strategic Priorities. The five (5) Moonshot 2.0 themes are as follows:
1. Future-oriented High-Quality Graduates
2. Research Impact
3. Sustainability
4. Digital Transformation
5. Global Eminence