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Social media has changed the way of communication – as a member of an institution and as individuals. Social media also provides an opportunity for the University to reach and connect with students, lecturers, staff, parents, alumni, friends and community and abroad.
The widespread use of social media in the public sector are not restricted, particularly in UTM. But it has to be controlled. Limits and boundaries must be set and must be very well understood by everyone for everyday use.
Social media is also a big challenge for reputation and brand management. Therefore, policies and guidelines that are appropriate should be clearly stated in particular when dealing with external parties through the media as a representative or on behalf of the University.
In these Guidelines, the interpretation adopted is as follows:
(a) Social media refers to the facility of Internet applications that are used to convey information, media materials, and create interaction between user and supervisor content channels including Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, Blogs, Google+ and any other social media are not restricted use UTM, and
(b) Social media UTM refers to the social media created either for personal use (with states in the profile that the site owners or staff UTM) or official use Unit / Department / Office / Faculty / UTM.
What are the differences between profiles, pages and groups?
- Pages are designed for organisation and brands to connect with their customers and communities and need to be created by a personal profile. Pages have admins who post the vast majority of content to the page.
- Groups are designed for more personal interaction around a common interest and usually contain more dialogue among the members. Although there are admins, many group members post content and initiate conversations.
- Profiles are individuals’ personal Facebook accounts. Do not set up a personal Facebook account to represent an office or organization.
- Be careful about privacy: not disclose confidential information about the University, the personal information of students, staff, alumni or working parties (partners).
- Vigilant to copyright and other intellectual property and the University.
- The University logo is only allowed to use on media sites, blogs, or university official channels as well as for university events or official information only.
- Do not post, upload or share information, links, photos, videos or materials containing pornographic elements;
- Do not post, upload or share information, links, pictures or any defamatory or seditious statements which can damage and tarnish the image of the University and the Government;
- Do not post, upload or share the nature of criminal activities such as disseminating material involving gambling, weapons and terrorist activities;
- It is prohibited to post business related ads, social media marketing official departments, units, faculties and universities.
- True and accurate: Make sure the facts, content, grammar and spelling are reviewed prior to spread.
- Think and be sure: Each displayed in social media sites and may be read very quickly circulated. Avoid announcing an announcement that has not been displayed on the website or in the newspaper. If in doubt about any news or announcements, check first with the Corporate Affairs Office or the Registrar’s Office.
- Preserve and protect the reputation of the University: Use good sentences and show professionalism in all announcements or comments. If there is criticism from outside parties, answer and comment in a friendly, prudent and professional and always show respect to all parties.
- Understand the methods and rules: Try to understand the regulations and policy issued by each of the social networking site (eg Facebook Privacy Policy, Twitter Privacy Policy)
- Errors: If there is an error in any information that has been disseminated, publicly admitted that, for the correction and apologize on behalf of directly attributable involved in social sites.
- Notify: If the unit / department / club / association you want to develop a channel / social media site, let Corporate Web Communications Unit, Office of Corporate Affairs.
Responsibility of all staff and students
Each UTM staff and students clearly indicated that they are staff / UTM students in personal social sites are responsible for ensuring that each statement / status / information publicized on social networking sites so that:
- not affect the image of the Government;
- not conflict with the policy of the Government;
- do not contain confidential information and sensitive issues such as religion, politics and racism can affect the sensitivity of the Malaysian public;
- does not contain pornography;
- not contain libelous, seditious and unlawful;
- not intend humiliate individual / entity;
Responsibility of Division and Department / Faculty
Division and Department/Faculty is responsible to the Manager of Social Sites for:
- Confirm the validity of information before requesting to upload;
- Condition for uploading photos/videos:
- photo/video showing the programs / activities in a professional manner;
- photo/video must be accompanied by a description (caption) that contains the name of the program / activity, date, time, place and guests who attended;
- photo/video that can uphold the image of the university;
- photo/video that can encourage creative and innovative discussion and brainstorming ;
- photo/video that promotes university initiatives;
- photo/video must be clear (sharp);
- avoid inappropriate photo/video and which not related to the program/activity/university/departments.
- avoid photo/video that can affect the image and ethics officer of the university.
Social Media Manager Responsibilities Section and the Department / Faculty
- Social media managers led by information technology managers are responsible for:
- reviewing and updating the official social media content division / department / faculty on an ongoing basis;
- reviewing and selecting photos / videos suitable for upload;
- respond to inquiries immediately after receiving relevant input;
- use complete sentences and clearly defined;
- encourage and promote the use of social media;
- filter every comment / statement or information from the users;
- removing links to advertising or commercial services offered by external parties or other unrelated links.
Based on the letter of instruction Use of Social Media in the Public Sector Network by CAN, the Prime Minister, the following should be noted:
(A) comply with the Guidelines Development Administration Circular (DAC) Bill. 1 Year 2003 “Guidelines on the Procedure of the Internet and Electronic Mail in Government Agencies”
(B) any information that is shared and disseminated through social media does not affect the interests of the public and national sovereignty and
(C) does not involve the dissemination of information and classified documents.
- Garis Panduan Tatacara Pemilihan Kandungan Media Sosial MAMPU (.pdf)
- Dasar dan Amalan Terbaik Penggunaan Media Sosial di Sektor Awam (.pdf)
- Garis Panduan Tatacara Penggunaan Internet dan Mel Elektronik di Agensi-agensi Kerajaan (.pdf)
- Garis Panduan Pelaksanaan Blog Bagi Agensi Sektor Awam (.pdf)
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