by | Jul 1, 2020 | others
UTM Toastmasters Club (UTM TMC) is an in-house club for UTM staffs, PhD candidates, alumni and retirees. UTM TMC provides a great platform for all members to practice and improve their communications and leadership skills. With this newsletter, readers will be able to...
by | Jun 1, 2020 | others
iHumEn – A magazine that illustrates the commitment by Institute of Human Centered Engineering (iHumEn) to advancing excellence in education, research, and service. It highlights the research and educational activities of faculty, staff, students, postdocs, and...
by | May 29, 2020 | others
HUMAN – Official magazine for UTM Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, published biannually with the aim to share educational information, events, exciting news, tips and tricks in life and even advertisements regarding higher education, especially...
by | Dec 30, 2018 | others
As a continuation of the previous PROFOUND, the Society of Petroleum Engineers UTM Student chapter (SPE-UTM SC) have published the second volume of the annual magazine, PROFOUND under the leadership of Ms, Raja Johannes Binti Raja Kamarul Shahrin, President of SPE-UTM...
by | Dec 30, 2017 | others
PROFOUND specifically targets young professionals, featuring one of our prestigious and remarkable events, SPE Malaysia Oil and Gas Convention 2017 (SMOGC 2017). This magazine also features all SPE-UTM SC’s events held throughout the year and our members’...